Dr. Kelly writes about the social design of data, technology and story. She shares about how the innovations and technologies we design and build impact us and are influenced by our stories, who we are, what we do, how we love, learn, and the ways we work. She explores the human stories, poses the hard questions, and is committed to uncovering the often invisible impact of living, learning, and working with technology.
How can we create learning experiences that foster creativity, innovative thinking, and joy? Experiences that honor and celebrate children, youth and adults alike as equal
It was week two of the spring semester and I’d just confirmed the details for taking a class of college students into the field to visit Redmoon Theater and 1871, both in Chicago. These emergent opportunities mean I need to change the order of the syllabus I’d given out to my students at the beginning of the semester. The questions remained how they might feel about it.