Personal Manifesto
Welcome to Dr. Kelly’s personal manifesto outlining her beliefs and values which guide her work, learning, and life in the world.
"Creating and building with care and from stories!"
I am ...
Unapologetically me. Proudly an Australian immigrant. Lead with/from Integrity. The scientist of my life. Relaxed in experimenting. Happiest painting with my hands. Love deeply and passionately. Relaxed about life. Fun. Funny. Humble expert. Always learning. Storyteller. Proud female founder. Opening doors. Building new tables.
I beliEve ...
In radical inclusion. Life is a lived experiment. It is okay to fail, cry and not have the answer. Scientific, creative, and artistic expression is my way. Leading with care matters. Live what I love and I want others to as well. My life is full of activity and experiences. The philosophy of hugs. Hugsx12. Humans are messy and loving. Stories are my way. We are more than our data.
I will ...
Always be sharing. Creating and building with care. Build with and for others, as well as myself. Be constantly learning and sharing. Come from a learning perspective and the lived experience of multiple pathways. Aim to be my most caring and creative self. Be a stand for caring people and cultures. Be responsible for mine and others lives, hearts, and possibility.
I DO ...
Believe in honesty and scientific truth of the social kind. Focus on relationships. Practice that people’s lives matter. Be a voice for change. Bring love, heart, and passion to anything I do. Share my wisdom and my ideas with the world. Be love and love all people. Explore the multiplicity of identities in creative ways. Allyship and accompliceship!
I create ...
Connection. Love. Laughter (so funny!). Space. Meaningful relationships. Permission to be ourselves and okay. Art. Experiences. Learning and earning opportunities. Impact. Laughter. Fun. Programs. Products. Technology. Caring communities and cultures. Impact. Conversation. Change.
I care about ...
- Sharing all we know and are learning with the world.
- Creating cultures of care, creativity, and for learning.
- Stories and inclusion in the design of technology.
- Being a stand for truth, science, and what matters.
- People. My family, friends, peers and colleagues, as well as the people I’ve not yet met.
Once connected, always connected!